Rejection is an injection of success...
The rejection is a most common things for the success .every successful person is must to be passed through the process of rejection.success without rejection is not real success .if you want to take the guidance from the successful person then first you come to know about him that how he failed in his journey. rejection is painful but it will make you more stronger. Rejection is the proccess in which a person may feel alone his life at that time he got a chance for a self talk.
The number of time you failed in your life will decide the probability of success because when a person failed he learn a different things in their journey and that learning make them more successful. Thomas alwa edison the great scientist who failed 999 times in their inventions but every time he learn some new things from his journey and it made them most wellknown scientist around the world as same the 16 the president of America Abraham linkon has also failed many times for his journey but every time he bounce back with some new energy and start again and he become the well known president of America .
Rejection is a just a examination time of your mentall stability just calm down as the time gone it will passed just stuck with your path of success.
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