Are The Girls Weak?

Are we born weak? Does every boy born weak? No, nor the girls are born weak neither the boys are born stronger.

From the day a girl starts understanding, the people who used to stay around them, they are said "You are a girl, you have to be strong to protect yourself." Why we are supposed to say this. When we say this to a child, their mind starts thinking that "They are weak, they have to be Strong."

Instead, if we say her "You are Strong enough to handle and protect your ownself." This will bring positivity in the mindset. And bring self confident within her. Self Confident is such a thing that makes the person more stronger then they are.

Even today, here we find some or many discrimination between boys and girls. If we take a step ahead and decrease some freedom of boys and increase some feedom of girls, the ratio of harrasement will decrease without fail.

The so called Society says some of the mentioned words for the girls:
"You are girl, how you can do this?"
"You are girl, you have to think about the society."
"You are girl, you have to think about the respect of the society."
"You are a 25 years old girl and still unmarried?"
"You are girl, you are not allowed to go out, because now-a-days we are supposed to find much rape cases."
Why is this so? Why we are supposed to say this to the only girls?

Instead of stoping the girls, put restrictions on boys who do that. Instead of puting restrictions on girls, teach your boys to respect girls.

We are not weak, we are treated weak. We need Encouragement, not Empowerment. 😇
- Maithili Ramanuj


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