“STRUGGLE” A PART OF SUCCESS There may be different meaning of Struggle according to the different people. Some believe that “Not getting Success is the Struggle”. While some other believe that “Consistently working to achieve something is Struggle.” But as like others I too have some other point-of-view of describing Struggle. I believe that there is the biggest role or we can say the biggest part of Struggle in getting Success. Every person in today's world is struggling in their own way. Some are Struggling for Work while some are Struggling for Food. Some may be Struggling for the big Success while some are Struggling for feeding their Family. Let me discuss about the Struggle in Professional Life. Struggling for something is the period while we are at the greatest level of learning. We are supposed to learn a lot during this period. We make a lot of mistakes but as a Straggler we learn a lot and we come a step closer to the Success. ...